Hello from the Moon

January 6, 2008

I know I haven’t blogged in a while. There have been several attempts on my life in the past few months. In order to escape, I chartered a private rocket to the moon, and I’m writing this post via NASA’s wireless network. (Seriously, the username and password were both “admin” and it took me under a day to hack in.)

In order to throw off the would be assasins, it was necessary to fake my death before I left Earth. The current opinion among Earthlings is that I’m dead. I’m about to broadcast this post over NASA’s Active SETI satellites, so I got to run.

Good Times…

October 4, 2007

Imagine my surprise when I booted up my computer this morning, went to everybody’s favorite website, and saw this: 

Geeky picture of me

Hmm… It seems like someone at Microsoft (probably Ballmer) went digging around in the pile of old photos on my desk, and stole a picture without my permission. I’m not too annoyed (I simply look amazing in that picture) but I’ll get him back tomorrow by placing this on Microsoft.com’s home page: