SP1, Oh Baby!

March 24, 2008

Woohoo! We did it (at last)!

Windows Vista Security- er, Service Pack 1 was  just released into the wild. In order of importance, the new features are the following:

(The list of features is taken from the official press release. (Really.))

  • Removes 20 second delay when pressing Ctrl Alt Del on certain machines.
  • Windows Explorer (usually) no longer freezes if you browse the network
  • Most of the time, the machine no longer hangs when emerging from hibernation mode.
  • The ‘Pause for 15 seconds before connecting to the network’ feature (this feature is strangely present in every version but Ultimate) has (temporarily) been removed.

Lets look at what the fanboys are saying:

“Windows Vista SP1 lacks any compelling ‘must haves,’ and, in most cases, doesn’t significantly improve performance (in some cases, it even degrades performance).
The bottom line: While it’s always good to install the latest code for any operating system, installing the Windows Vista SP1 update will require some casual users to spend a few hours without any visible or tangible improvements to their systems.”


If you fast-forward to 2015, and then look-back; I bet that Vista’s SP1 will be hailed as a classic example of waiting until the first service pack before deploying an operating system. Thus if you have not deployed Vista, then wait until next spring and expect a smooth migration from XP.”

– ComputerPerformance.co.uk

Opening Windows Explorer for the first time in a session (which on my desktop took at least a full 30 seconds, and as long as a full minute) now takes an ‘acceptable’ 10 to 15 secondsMicrosoft also boasts about speed improvements in Internet Explorer 7… I found no proof of the former.”

 – PC Magazine

In the spirit of celebration, we put up some Vista jokes for y’all over here.

Head over to Microsucks.com and get your copy.

Um, anyone?

Please? We’ll give you free support.

Oh well. 😦

Anti Communism

July 11, 2007


Due to the huge wave of anti Micro$oft, open source loving, ****ing Russian communists that are visiting this website, we (Micro$oft), for the entire world’s sake, have decided to launch a huge new wave of anti communism warfare!

We’ve invested millions in the defense industry, and look forward to huge profits from the upcoming war that we intend to start between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. We’re currently activating a virus that we included in Vista.

The U.S. government is now experiencing technical problems that they believe are caused by Russian hackers.

Now is the time to invest! Invest in Micro$oft now, and you’ll make billions! Now is a time of amazing opportunity! Don’t believe what the communist Steve Jobs tells you. Steve Jobs is part of a communist plot to blow up New York city! Act now before it is too late!

Invest in Micro$oft today and get a free gas mask! LONG LIVE STEVE BALLMER!And always remember…

 open source is communism!

Vista Is Everywhere

June 14, 2007

UPDATE: Apparently Vista is also powering the Space Station’s computer system.

The demand for Vista is just amazing. We’re selling tens of dozens of copies monthly. In China alone we’ve sold 244 copies. Vista is simply everywhere. Its running on Russian ATMs

Russian ATM running Windows

Its running on kiddy carts in the US.

Windows on a kiddy cart

It is just everywhere. Maybe its time that you put it on your computer.

The PC’s Revenge

June 7, 2007

Take that, Apple!

Me VS Steve Jobs

May 23, 2007

I’m feeling kind of bored today. I think my ADHD is starting back up. Anyways, here’s a short video I found…